
Mercurial Consulting has extensive experience in energy cost estimating and value engineering, with an emphasis on Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) analysis. Previous projects on LEED systems include photovoltaic panels, gray/black water, radiant heating and cooling, and green roof systems.

As experienced cost estimators that serve a wide range of industries and budgets, we can help you manage construction costs and evaluate design options that make sense for your budget and objective. We can assist with cost negotiations and evaluate comparative estimates with contractors. In addition, we provide our clients with transparent, budgeting guidance for scoping and defining projects that meet their objectives early in the financing stages.


  • NCMSDC Certified MBE
  • San Francisco HRC Local Business Enterprise
  • DOT Certified DBE
  • SF Redevelopment Agency MBE/SBE
  • SBA Small Disadvantaged Business (SDB) Certified
  • California State Certified Small Business
  • Certification in HVAC Design, UCLA Extension
  • Certification in Plumbing Design, UCLA Extension
  • Certification in Negotiations, Santa Monica College